I have recently come up with a little experiment for myself. Those of you that know me know that my grades are not the best. I am more of a B/C student than anything else. I am starting to feel that my sub par GPA has is hampering my job search. Now, by no means am I dumb, but I do have trouble applying abstract concepts to solutions. However, understanding the concepts being presented to me is not typically hard. So I have devised a little experiment to help me learn. It must be the Scientist in me.
I got this idea from a Slashdot Article. There it a comment a little ways down that describes how a person learns. Basically, it says that people learn by creating neurons and then terminating the connections between them. So I have a little theory. I think that my ability to grasp a concept and the fact that I cannot organize the idea well enough to apply it implies that I am creating neurons without breaking the connections in order to learn. To remedy this, I propose to start drinking more. Now, with my busy schedule from taking all CS classes and working 25 hrs a week, I have been skipping out on drinking. Hopefully this experiment will work...if not at least I'll have a good time.