Tony's Days

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This is my brief summary of my life, my feelings on different topics, and my random thoughts.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Ga$ Price$

OK, really this has gotten out of control.  I have heard from no less than 3 different people that gas would be $3 by labor day.  Also, some crazy guy who was talking to me at work said gas would be $4 by Christmas.  Thats nuts.  I wish I could use milk in my car because it would actually be cheaper.  But seriously, its going to become a burden to travel outside of town.  Here I only have to drive to work, the grocery store, and a short drive to the laundry mat.  I am really going to try to limit where and how often I drive places.  I live close enough to school and the bars that I should never have to drive so that will help out a bit.  This is going to create a bit of a dilemma eventually though.  I mean, I don't particularly like the way the hybrid cars look, but from a financial perspective I may have to get one within the next year or so.  Hopefully more people will feel this way and they will begin to make more, nay most cars hybrids to combat this situation.


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