Tony's Days

Web Tday

This is my brief summary of my life, my feelings on different topics, and my random thoughts.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I hope everyone enjoys the new googlized layout of the site. Sure, it might be selling out to have the advertising, but it doesn't hurt anyone and I may some day get like $5 from it. Also, I am now using DotPost to create my blogs. It's a litter nicer to use and comes with a spell check which I desperately need.

I'm not sure who all has heard about this but a while back there was this free ipod thing on the internet. Basically, you sign up for the free ipod, then sign up for a selected service(blockbuster, credit cards, diet pills, etc) and then you get x number of friends to do the same thing, and you will receive an ipod in the mail. It turns out this was pretty legit. I never did it but the guy I am subleasing from did and he got one. He also did another of their promotion things and got a free PSP. It actually came here this morning, and it is sitting out in the living room. Anyway, I signed up for it so if anyone wants to get in on this action and help me out as well here is the link so that you can "get under" me.

In other news, it was really hot today. I'm not sure if I have mentioned it or not, but this house has no A/C. Luckily, Kristy's mom had an extra window A/C unit, which I am now using. Getting the thing in was a bit of a bitch. It was really hot and the thing was heavy. Also, the windows weren't opening big enough, but we eventually got it in, and now I can reap the rewards.


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